Monday 12 February 2007

It's my Birthday tomorrow...

Well, tomorrow I will be 37. Closer to 40 than 30. Over the hill, slippery slope downwards etc.
I don't honestly FEEL 37 but I think it's more of a maturity thing that makes me realise I need to make some major changes in my life.
This past year has been an epiphany for me-I faced up a life long issues with money and it has changed my life. I finally had admit that I was in the crap, 'fess up to hubby that I was SERIOUSLY in debt and there was no way I was going to be bailed out again-I needed to face the music on my own and sort it out. It will be a life long process but it's my first step towards becoming the mentally healthy person I want to be. The next step in to sort out my very unhealthy relationship with food...this issue will also be a very long quest I feel. (She says as she shoves pastry crust down her neck)
SO my idea is: use this a personal diary, a meandering thru the mixed up head of me, a woman on the edge of self discovery!


she said..... said...

Welcome to the Blogosphere Kassi! Its compelling and strangely addictive (and yet another thing that our male halves will NEVER fathom out!!!)

arbyn said...

haha fancy meeting another canadian across the ocean! happy birthday and happy blogging.

- Robyn