Wednesday 14 February 2007

Valentines Day-I think...

Meal out was really nice last night-great company and incredible food-I had a steak with peppercorn sauce, gorgeous!
In typical Kassi fashion, I enjoyed my food and wine SO much I inadvertently ummmmmmmm, how do you say this-blew off in the car on the ride home and it STUNK so much it was embarrassing. Oh dear...Poor Vicky nearly drove off the road!
I was a bit narked off when we got home because hubby just went straight to bed, no good night kiss, no NOTHING! Happy blinking' birthday!
Valentines Day was OK I guess, some nice tulips, a couple of cards (from kids and DH) and some smellies for the bath (are people trying to tell me something?!) But Scott is on nights tonight so here I am sat in front of the computer, again. Oh what an exciting life I lead.
We had some viewers look at our house yesterday but they felt the family bathroom was 'too small' and same for the back garden! Humph. I know I shouldn't but I take it all so personally. I think everyone should love my house! I do!
Anyhoo, I'm bored bored bored.
Have eaten enough chocolate for a small country (because it solves all problems doesn't it?) I think what I'd really like is some affection-won't be getting that tonight, unless you count my fav friend, The Dolphin...
I should do some ironing, but I hate it....


Tuesday 13 February 2007

It's my Party and I'll Sulk if I want to...

I hate my birthday. I know I should be grateful that I am alive and all that but it's always a let down-perhaps I'm still so young at heart (cue sarcastic laugh), I want balloons, party, streamers etc. I always had great birthday parties growing up-Ice skating, hot dogs and hot chocolate after, playing with my Mom's makeup, lots of presents-I still want that! Is that wrong? Should I just grow and face the fact I'm an adult? Or should birthdays still be celebrated like you're a child? Anyone?
In 3 years when it's my 40th birthday, I'm planning on doing something really special-my best friend ever Jen has suggested that we meet up somewhere for a family holiday (She's in Canada still) Brilliant idea, but where should we go? Any suggestions?
I've been up since before 6 as Joe has decided that he doesn't like to sleep until 7 at the moment. Great. Makes for really happy Mummy! I didn't get breakfast in bed or anything this morning-I got a couple of nice cards, bath bombs and some vouchers to get myself a pair of new trainers-about time, I've had mine for over 5 years!!!!! They are cream crackered.
We're off tonight for a meal with our friends Vicky and Russell. I always like a meal out, no cooking, no cleaning up after, lol
So happy birthday to me...

Monday 12 February 2007

It's my Birthday tomorrow...

Well, tomorrow I will be 37. Closer to 40 than 30. Over the hill, slippery slope downwards etc.
I don't honestly FEEL 37 but I think it's more of a maturity thing that makes me realise I need to make some major changes in my life.
This past year has been an epiphany for me-I faced up a life long issues with money and it has changed my life. I finally had admit that I was in the crap, 'fess up to hubby that I was SERIOUSLY in debt and there was no way I was going to be bailed out again-I needed to face the music on my own and sort it out. It will be a life long process but it's my first step towards becoming the mentally healthy person I want to be. The next step in to sort out my very unhealthy relationship with food...this issue will also be a very long quest I feel. (She says as she shoves pastry crust down her neck)
SO my idea is: use this a personal diary, a meandering thru the mixed up head of me, a woman on the edge of self discovery!